Bacteria (estuarine / mangrove sediment) - outside UK/EU+

Bacteria (estuarine / mangrove sediment) - outside UK/EU+


If you are sampling in estuarine or mangrove sediment within the UK/EU+ please use the ‘Marine sediment’ kit, available from the Marine sediment collection.

‘UK / EU+’ means the UK, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the 27 EU member countries.

What do I receive?

For each product purchased, you will receive:

  • One sampling kit, to collect / store / transport your eDNA
  • One report per test ('assay')

Regional considerations

All marine sediment tests ('assays') can be used in marine sediment systems across the globe.

UK / EU+ countries

UK / EU+ countries: UK, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and all 27 EU member countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

Kit instructions

Kit instructions available here.

Regular price £335.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £335.00 GBP
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Product info

All items in an order will be processed and reported together. If you need some items to be reported separately, please place multiple orders.

All items in an order can be shipped to only one location. If some items need to be shipped to a different location, please place a separate order for these items. (These items will be reported separately, as they are part of a separate order.)

Collapsible content

Kit contents

eDNA collection, storage and safe transport. Your kit contains all you need to collect*, store and safely transport your eDNA sample.
(*Our tissue kits do not include the nets or traps you may wish to use to catch the organisms the kit is designed to contain.)

Preservation buffer (which helps to preserve and protect the eDNA).

One pair of gloves. If two or more people are using one kit, please purchase more sets of gloves (not available from NatureMetrics).

Sterile bags for transporting your samples.

For more info on all our kits, visit our kits page.


For each test purchased, you will receive one report.

e.g. if you buy x5 ‘vertebrate + fish (freshwater)’, you will receive two reports, one with all the vertebrate results from the 5 samples, and another, separate report, for all the fish results from the 5 samples.

Reporting formats for multi-species tests and single-species tests are very different.
For more info on reports, and to see examples of each, please visit our reports page.

Important info

One kit = one sample = one location. Kits can be used in one location only. Only one single latitude / longitude can be assigned to each kit.

Kits must be used within 12 months of purchase. After 12 months the preservation buffer can degrade. If you have aquatic kits, you can purchase replacement preservation buffer from us (not available from this store). To purchase, please contact us.

Marine sediment tests - key info:


Groups typically detected include crustaceans, tunicates, cnidarians (including jellyfish), annelids, molluscs, echinoderms, and sponges.

May also detect some vertebrate species.


Assess the community composition of the microbiome of your sample. Detects 99% of the bacteria in your sample. Generally identifies to the taxonomic level of 'family' or higher.


Detects algae, macroalgae species (chlorophyta, phaeophyceae, rhodophyta), phytoplankton, zooplankton, protists, ciliates, dinoflagellates, diatoms, annelids, molluscs, crustaceans, tunicates, invertebrates and some cnidarians (including jellyfish) and sponges.

Due to the broad nature of this test, detections will generally be assigned to family or genus level. Test excludes bacteria and archaea. Can sometimes detect vertebrates and fungi.

When running this test on a tissue sample, please note: in order for it to be processed, the tissue must be larger than 0.3mm (300um).