Access your reports
All reports are accessed through the NatureMetrics Intelligence Platform
Projects and sampling events
To make it easy to find the report you're looking for, first decide on the project name you'd like your reports to be filed under. Reports are then accessed through one or more sampling events within this project. Each sampling event contains the reports for surveying that took place at a specific point in time, for the project.
e.g. If you are surveying a lake, the name of the lake could be your project name. When you survey the lake first in the spring, your first sampling event could be titled 'spring'. When you then go back and survey the lake in the autumn, your second sampling event could be labelled 'autumn'.
All reports for the kits and tests used for the spring surveying would be available under the 'spring' sampling event. All reports for the kits and tests used for the autumn surveying, would be available under the 'autumn' sampling event.
One report for each test
For each test purchased within a sampling event, you will receive one report.
e.g. if you buy x5 ‘vertebrate + fish (freshwater)’ you will receive two reports, one with all the vertebrate results from the 5 samples, and another, separate report, for all the fish results from the 5 samples.
Project Lead
The Project Lead is the primary point of contact for all project reports and communications. The Project Lead will be notified when Project reports are available in the NatureMetrics Intelligence Platform and is responsible for accessing reports and managing users for that Project.