Sample manifest

This document is one of the most important steps in your journey with NatureMetrics. We cannot start processing your samples until your Sample Manifest is completed.

The Sample Manifest is an Excel metadata sheet. You will find it attached to the email confirming the shipping of your kits.

The Sample Manifest ensures that we process and report the correct samples, with the correct tests ('assays'), at the right time, for the right project.

All field workers must familiarise themselves with the Sample Manifest, so they understand the data that needs to be recorded while sampling. This additional data is vital for producing your eDNA reports - we cannot produce them without it.

Data we request, for each sample taken, include:

  • Lat / long location info
  • Sampling country
  • Habitat
  • Number of sub-samples taken to make up the sample
  • Volume of water filtered (if working with aquatic kits)
  • Tests to be run on the sample


View a Sample Manifest here.

If you cannot find your Sample Manifest, please request one here.
(you will be taken to our main website).