After checkout

Important! Please read the info below to understand the steps to take after placing your order.

  • 12 months order 'expiry'

    Within 12 months of placing your order, all samples related to your order must be shipped to our labs, with confirmation of the tests ('assays') to be deployed on each sample (these instructions are delivered to us via your Sample Manifest).

  • Kits shipped

    As soon as you've placed your order, we're getting to work on shipping your kits out.

  • Invoice

    If you chose to pay by invoice, your invoice will be with you within 5 working days of you placing your order.

  • Export permits

    Please ensure you have the necessary export permits (and CITES paperwork if sending whole or parts of organisms) in place, to allow your samples to be shipped out of the country in which they were taken.

    NatureMetrics handles the shipping of samples back to our labs, but we are unable to assist with export permits.

    Without export permits in place, we are unable to ship your samples to our labs.

  • Please read your kit instruction protocols

    Please familiarise yourself with the instruction 'protocols' for your kits right away. eDNA is sensitive. The kit protocols provide critical information to ensure you get the very best results, and include info on how to store and package your samples correctly, to preserve your eDNA in the best possible way.

    Click here to view kit protocols on our main website.

  • Sample Manifest

    This is an Excel metadata sheet that is sent to you via email, along with the shipping notification for your kits. All field workers must familiarise themselves with this document, so they understand the data that needs to be recorded while sampling. This additional data is vital for producing your eDNA reports.

    More info.

  • Take your samples

    Use your NatureMetrics kits to take and store your samples - in accordance with the kit protocols, while recording all the necessary metadata on your Sample Manifest.

  • Submit your completed Sample Manifest

    We cannot collect your samples until we receive your completed Sample Manifest. The Sample Manifest details which samples are coming back to us, the tests ('assays') to be deployed, plus other key metadata to ensure your samples are processed correctly.

  • Contact NatureMetrics to collect your samples

    Once all the kits on your order have been used, contact NatureMetrics to arrange the shipping of your samples to our lab. Please do not ship samples yourself. We will manage the shipping process to ensure samples reach us in the fastest, most efficient way.

    Ready to book the shipping of your samples to our labs? Click here.

  • Samples processed and reports generated

    Now we have all your samples and your completed Sample Manifest, we can begin processing your samples. eDNA is extracted, amplified and then your DNA sequences are assigned to the correct species. Our cutting-edge metrics are then calculated.

    Click here for reporting turnaround times.

  • Access your reports on the NatureMetrics Intelligence Platform

    As soon as your reports are ready, we will notify you via email. Login to the NatureMetris Intelligence Platform to access your reports and insights.

    Login now.