Freshwater tests - overview
Tests: Vertebrates, fish, mammals, insects, Unionid mussels, and bivalves (excl. Unionid mussels). Plus, invertebrates from tissue samples (e.g. from kick nets).
If you wish to purchase our freshwater bacteria test (currently unavailable from this store), please contact us.
Kits: All tests (other than the invertebrates from tissue samples) are available with either our standard aquatic kit or our aquatic pump kit.
Aquatic kit contains a hand-operated syringe, for pushing water through our filters by hand.
Aquatic pump kit contains adaptors and tubing for use with powered pumps (e.g. Vampire Samplers) (not included and not supplied by NatureMetrics). The 'invertebrates from tissue samples' kit contains a pot for samples to be placed into (from e.g. kit-nets).
The same choice of tests is available for the aquatic kit and the aquatic pump kit. Your choice of aquatic kit does not impact the tests available to you.
Kit instructions: Before sampling, please read the relevant kit protocols
(Link will direct you to our main website)
Vertebrate and mammal tests may also detect nearby terrestrial species. Terrestrial mammal eDNA can often end up in nearby water courses, via runoff. This means our vertebrate and mammal tests can detect not only aquatic and semi-aquatic mammals, but terrestrial mammals who have visited the water or are nearby.
Regionality: Vertebrates, fish, mammals and insects tests can be used globally.
If you wish to use Unionid mussels and bivalves (excl. Unionid mussels) outside the UK, please contact us before purchasing.
Estuarine systems: Sampling in estuarine systems? Please use our marine water tests.
DOT-NM autosampler kits: Looking for our DOT-NM autosampler kits? These are currently not available from this store. To purchase, please get in touch.