Welcome to the NatureMetrics eDNA store

Purchase our industry leading environmental DNA kits & tests for your business, and transform how you measure and report on nature

GCN season 2025: available from our Portal

Looking for our great crested newt for UK licencing kits & analyses? Head over to our Portal.

Pre-order your kits now from our Portal - for dispatch on 1st April.

  • Kits: £25
  • Tests: £150
  • Kit + analysis: £175

Price includes delivery & return shipping.

Results delivered in 8 working days.

GCN eDNA season runs from 15th April - 30th June.

Reports delivered via the NatureMetrics Portal.

Pre-order now

Multi-species ('metabarcoding')

Click on one of the habitats below to view product options. Each product consists of a kit, one or more tests ('assays') and a report for each test. These products are for detecting a broad range of species, e.g. mammals (using a molecular biology technique called 'metabarcoding').

    Single-species ('qPCR')

    Click on one of the habitats below to view product options. Each product consists of a kit, one or more tests ('assays') and a report for each test. These products are for detecting a single specific species, e.g. Zebra mussel (using a molecular biology technique called 'qPCR').

    Multi-species + Single-species

    Each product consists of a kit, one or more tests ('assays') and a report for each test. These products are for detecting a mix of both:

    • a broad range of species, e.g. mammals (using a molecular biology technique called 'metabarcoding'), and - on the same kit/sample,
    • single specific species, e.g. Zebra mussel (using a molecular biology technique called 'qPCR').

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